Table of Contents
- VAEs (pdf)
- Scalable semi-supervised learning with deep variational autoencoders (Code)
- Tutorial: Categorical Variational Autoencoders using Gumbel-Softmax (+Code)
- Variational Autoencoders Pursue PCA Directions [by Accident] (paper!)
- Latent Variable Models and AutoEncoders (Intuition Blog!)
- Tutorial: Categorical Variational Autoencoders using Gumbel-Softmax (Kingma)
Variational Auto-Encoders
Auto-Encoders (click to read more) are unsupervised learning methods that aim to learn a representation (encoding) for a set of data in a smaller dimension.
Auto-Encoders generate Features that capture factors of variation in the training data.
- Auto-Regressive Models VS Variational Auto-Encoders:
- Auto-Regressive Models defined a tractable (discrete) density function and, then, optimized the likelihood of training data:
- \[p_\theta(x) = p(x_0) \prod_1^n p(x_i | x_{i<})\]
- On the other hand, VAEs defines an intractable (continuous) density function with latent variable \(z\):
- \[p_\theta(x) = \int p_\theta(z) p_\theta(x|z) dz\]
- but cannot optimize directly; instead, derive and optimiz a lower bound on likelihood instead.
- Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs):
- Variational Autoencoder models inherit the autoencoder architecture, but make strong assumptions concerning the distribution of latent variables.
- They use variational approach for latent representation learning, which results in an additional loss component and specific training algorithm called Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes (SGVB).
- Assumptions:
- VAEs assume that:
- The data is generated by a directed graphical model \(p(x\vert z)\)
- The encoder is learning an approximation \(q_\phi(z|x)\) to the posterior distribution \(p_\theta(z|x)\)
where \({\displaystyle \mathbf {\phi } }\) and \({\displaystyle \mathbf {\theta } }\) denote the parameters of the encoder (recognition model) and decoder (generative model) respectively. - The training data \(\left\{x^{(i)}\right\}_{i=1}^N\) is generated from underlying unobserved (latent) representation \(\mathbf{z}\)
- The Objective Function:
$${\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}(\mathbf {\phi } ,\mathbf {\theta } ,\mathbf {x} )=D_{KL}(q_{\phi }(\mathbf {z} |\mathbf {x} )||p_{\theta }(\mathbf {z} ))-\mathbb {E} _{q_{\phi }(\mathbf {z} |\mathbf {x} )}{\big (}\log p_{\theta }(\mathbf {x} |\mathbf {z} ){\big )}}$$
where \({\displaystyle D_{KL}}\) is the Kullback–Leibler divergence (KL-Div).
- \(\boldsymbol{z}\) is some latent vector (representation); where each element is capturing how much of some factor of variation that we have in our training data.
e.g. attributes, orientations, position of certain objects, etc.
- \(\boldsymbol{z}\) is some latent vector (representation); where each element is capturing how much of some factor of variation that we have in our training data.
The Generation Process:
The Goal:
The goal is to estimate the true parameters \(\theta^\ast\) of this generative model.
Representing the Model:
- To represent the prior \(p(z)\), we choose it to be simple, usually Gaussian
- To represent the conditional \(p_{\theta^{*}}\left(x | z^{(i)}\right)\) (which is very complex), we use a neural-network
- Intractability:
The Data Likelihood:$$p_\theta(x) = \int p_\theta(z) p_\theta(x|z) dz$$
is intractable to compute for every \(z\).
Thus, the Posterior Density:
$$p_\theta(z|x) = \dfrac{p_\theta(x|z) p_\theta(z)}{p_\theta(x)} = \dfrac{p_\theta(x|z) p_\theta(z)}{\int p_\theta(z) p_\theta(x|z) dz}$$
is, also, intractable.
Dealing with Intractability:
In addition to decoder network modeling \(p_\theta(x\vert z)\), define additional encoder network \(q_\phi(z\vert x)\) that approximates \(p_\theta(z\vert x)\).
This allows us to derive a lower bound on the data likelihood that is tractable, which we can optimize. -
The Model:
The Encoder (recognition/inference) and Decoder (generation) networks are probabilistic and output means and variances of each the conditionals respectively:
The generation (forward-pass) is done via sampling as follows:
The Log-Likelihood of Data:
Deriving the Log-Likelihood:
Computing the bound (forward pass) for a given minibatch of input data:
- Diagonal prior on \(\boldsymbol{z} \implies\) independent latent variables
- Different dimensions of \(\boldsymbol{z}\) encode interpretable factors of variation- Also good feature representation that can be computed using \(\mathrm{q}_ {\phi}(\mathrm{z} \vert \mathrm{x})\)!
- CelebA:
- Pros, Cons and Research:
- Pros:
- Principled approach to generative models
- Allows inference of \(q(z\vert x)\), can be useful feature representation for other tasks
- Cons:
- Maximizing the lower bound of likelihood is okay, but not as good for evaluation as Auto-regressive models
- Samples blurrier and lower quality compared to state-of-the-art (GANs)
- Active areas of research:
- More flexible approximations, e.g. richer approximate posterior instead of diagonal Gaussian
- Incorporating structure in latent variables, e.g., Categorical Distributions
- Pros: