Table of Contents


  1. The Manifold Hypothesis:
    The Manifold Hypothesis states that real-world high dimensional data (such as images) lie on low-dimensional manifolds embedded in the high-dimensional space.

    Intuitively, the existence of a low-dimensional representation makes sense, because if we had to learn the entirety of the space of input-images \(256\times256\times3\) in a capacity limited NN, we will fail; but in practice we very easily can.
    Basically, learning an arbitrary \(256\times256\times3\) function would be intractable.

    • Any shape

  2. Asynchronous:

  3. Asynchronous:

  4. Asynchronous:

  5. Asynchronous:

  6. Asynchronous:

  7. Asynchronous:

  8. Asynchronous:


  1. Asynchronous:

  2. Asynchronous:

  3. Asynchronous:

  4. Asynchronous:

  5. Asynchronous:

  6. Asynchronous:

  7. Asynchronous:

  8. Asynchronous: