Table of Contents
Introduction and Definitions
- Text Classification:
- The task of assigning a piece of text to one or more classes or categories.
- Applications:
- Spam Filtering: discerning spam emails form legitimate emails.
- Email Routing: sending an email sento to a genral address to a specfic affress based on the topic.
- Language Identification: automatiacally determining the genre of a piece of text.
- Readibility Assessment__: determining the degree of readability of a piece of text.
- Sentiment Analysis: determining the general emotion/feeling/attitude of the author of a piece of text.
- Authorship Attribution: determining which author wrote which piece of text.
- Age/Gender Identification: determining the age and/or gender of the author of a piece of text.
- Classification Methods:
- (Hand-Coded)Rules-Based Algorithms: use rules based on combinations of words or other features.
- Can have high accuracy if the rules are carefully refined and maintained by experts.
- However, building and maintaining these rules is very hard.
- Supervised Machine Learning: using an ML algorithm that trains on a training set of (document, class) elements to train a classifier.
- Types of Classifiers:
- Naive Bayes
- Logistic Regression
- SVMs
- K-NNs
- Types of Classifiers:
- (Hand-Coded)Rules-Based Algorithms: use rules based on combinations of words or other features.
The Naive Bayes Classifier
- Naive Bayes Classifiers:
- are a family of simple probabilistic classifiers based on applying Bayes’ Theorem with strong (naive) independence assumptions between the features.
- The Probabilistic Model:
Abstractly, naive Bayes is a conditional probability model: given a problem instance to be classified, represented by a vector \({\displaystyle \mathbf{x} =(x_{1},\dots ,x_{n})}=(x_{1},\dots ,x_{n})\) representing some n features (independent variables), it assigns to this instance probabilities - \[{\displaystyle p(C_{k}\mid x_{1},\dots ,x_{n})\,}\]
- for each of the \(k\) possible outcome or classes \(C_k\).
- Now, using Bayes’ Theorem we decompose the conditional probability as:
- \[{\displaystyle p(C_{k}\mid \mathbf {x} )={\frac {p(C_{k})\ p(\mathbf {x} \mid C_{k})}{p(\mathbf {x} )}}\,}\]
- Or, equivalenty, and more intuitively:
- \[{\displaystyle {\mbox{posterior}}={\dfrac{\text{prior} \times \text{likelihood}}{\text{evidence}}}\,}\]
- We can disregard the Denomenator since it does not depend on the classes \(C\), making it a constant.
- Now, using the Chain-Rule for repeated application of the conditional probability, the joint probability model can be rewritten as:
- \[p(C_{k},x_{1},\dots ,x_{n})\, = p(x_{1}\mid x_{2},\dots ,x_{n},C_{k})p(x_{2}\mid x_{3},\dots ,x_{n},C_{k})\dots p(x_{n-1}\mid x_{n},C_{k})p(x_{n}\mid C_{k})p(C_{k})\]
- Applying the naive conditional independence assumptions,
i.e. assume that each feature \({\displaystyle x_{i}}\) is conditionally independent of every other feature \({\displaystyle x_{j}}\) for \({\displaystyle j\neq i}\), given the category \({\displaystyle C}\)
- \[\implies \\ {\displaystyle p(x_{i}\mid x_{i+1},\dots ,x_{n},C_{k})=p(x_{i}\mid C_{k})\,}.\]
- Thus, we can write the join probability model as:
- \[{\displaystyle p(C_{k}\mid x_{1},\dots ,x_{n})={\frac {1}{Z}}p(C_{k})\prod _{i=1}^{n}p(x_{i}\mid C_{k})}\]
- Where, \({\displaystyle Z=p(\mathbf {x} )=\sum _{k}p(C_{k})\ p(\mathbf {x} \mid C_{k})}\) is a constant scaling factor, a function of the, known, feature variables.
The Decision Rule: we commonly use the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) hypothesis, as the decision rule.
- Thus, the classifier becomes:
- \[{\displaystyle {\hat {y}}={\underset {k\in \{1,\dots ,K\}}{\operatorname {argmax} }}\ p(C_{k})\displaystyle \prod _{i=1}^{n}p(x_{i}\mid C_{k}).}\]
- A function that assigns a class label \({\displaystyle {\hat {y}}=C_{k}}\) for some \(k\).
- Multinomial Naive Bayes:
- With a multinomial event model, samples (feature vectors) represent the frequencies with which certain events have been generated by a multinomial \({\displaystyle (p_{1},\dots ,p_{n})}\) where \({\displaystyle p_{i}}\) is the probability that event \(i\) occurs.
- The likelihood of observing a feature vector (histogram) \(\mathbf{x}\) is given by:
- \[{\displaystyle p(\mathbf {x} \mid C_{k})={\frac {(\sum _{i}x_{i})!}{\prod _{i}x_{i}!}}\prod _{i}{p_{ki}}^{x_{i}}}\]
- The multinomial naive Bayes classifier becomes a linear classifier when expressed in log-space:
- \[{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\log p(C_{k}\mid \mathbf {x} )&\varpropto \log \left(p(C_{k})\prod _{i=1}^{n}{p_{ki}}^{x_{i}}\right)\\&=\log p(C_{k})+\sum _{i=1}^{n}x_{i}\cdot \log p_{ki}\\&=b+\mathbf {w} _{k}^{\top }\mathbf {x} \end{aligned}}}\]
- where \({\displaystyle b=\log p(C_{k})}\) and \({\displaystyle w_{ki}=\log p_{ki}}\).
- Bag-of-Words:
- The bag-of-words model (or vector-space-model) is a simplifying representation of text/documents.
- A text is represented as the bag (Multi-Set) of its words with multiplicity, disregarding any grammatrical rules and word-orderings.
- The Simplifying Assumptions Used:
- Bag-of-Words: we assume that the position of the words does not matter.
- Naive Independence: the feature probabilities are indpendenet given a class \(c\).
- Learning the Multi-Nomial Naive Bayes Model:
- The Maximum Likelihood Estimate: we simply use the frequencies in the date.
- \(\hat{P}(c_j) = \dfrac{\text{doc-count}(C=c_j)}{N_\text{doc}}\)
The Prior Probability of a document being in class \(c_j\), is the fraction of the documents in the training data that are in class \(c_j\).
- \(\hat{P}(w_i | c_i) = \dfrac{\text{count}(w_i,c_j)}{\sum_{w \in V} \text{count}(w, c_j)}\)
The likelihood of the word \(w_i\) given a class \(c_j\), is the fraction of the occurunces of the word \(w_i\) in class \(c_j\) over all words in the class.
- \(\hat{P}(c_j) = \dfrac{\text{doc-count}(C=c_j)}{N_\text{doc}}\)
- The Maximum Likelihood Estimate: we simply use the frequencies in the date.
- The Problem with Maximum Likelihood:
If a certain word occurs in the test-set but not in the training set, the likelihood of that word given the equation above will be set to \(0\).
Now, since we are multiplying all the likelihood terms together, the MAP estimate will be set to \(0\) as well, regardless of the other values.
- The Problem with Maximum Likelihood:
- Solutions to the MLE Problem:
- Usually the problem of reducing the estimate to zero is solved by adding a regularization technique known as smoothing.
- Lidstone Smoothing (additive smoothing):
- is a technique used to smooth categorical data as the following:
- Given an observation vector \(x = (x_1, \ldots, x_d)\) from a multinomial distribution with \(N\) trials, a smoothed version of the data produces the estimators:
- \[{\hat {\theta }}_{i}={\frac {x_{i}+\alpha }{N+\alpha d}}\qquad (i=1,\ldots ,d),\]
- Laplace Smoothing:
- is a special case of additive smoothing (Lidstone Smoothing) with \(\alpha = 1\):
- \[{\hat {\theta }}_{i}={\frac {x_{i}+1 }{N+ d}}\qquad (i=1,\ldots ,d),\]
- The Algorithm:
- Extract the Vocabulary from the trianing data
- Calculate \(P(c_j)\) terms
- For each \(c_j \in C\) do
- \(\text{docs}_j \leftarrow\) all docs with class \(=c_j\)
- \[P(c_j) \leftarrow \dfrac{\|\text{docs}_j\|}{\|\text{total # docs}\|}\]
- For each \(c_j \in C\) do
- Calculate \(P(w_k \| c_j)\) terms
- \(\text{Text}_j \leftarrow\) single doc containing all \(\text{docs}_j\)
- For each word \(w_k \in\) Vocab.
- \(n_k \leftarrow\) # of occurunces of \(w_k \in \text{Text}_j\)
- \[P(w_k \| c_j) \leftarrow \dfrac{n_k + \alpha}{n + \alpha \|Vocab.\|}\]
- Summary:
- Very fast
- Low storage requirements
- Robust to Irrelevant Features
- Irrelevant features cancel each other out.
- Works well in domains with many equally important features
- Decision Trees_ suffer from fragmentation in such cases - especially if there is little data.
- It is Optimal if the independence conditions hold.
Evaluation of Text Classification
- The \(2x2\) Contingency Table:
correct (Spam) not correct (not Spam) selected (Spam) tp fp not selected (not Spam) fn tn
- Accuracy:
- \[\text{Acc} = \dfrac{\text{tp} + \text{tn}}{\text{tp} + \text{fp} + \text{fn} + \text{tn}}\]
- The Problem:
Accuracy can be easily fooled (i.e. produce a very high number) in a scenario where the number of occurrences of a class we desire is much less than the data we are searching.
- Precision (positive predictive value (PPV)):
- is the fraction of relevant instances among the retrieved instances.
- Equivalently,
the % of selected items that are correct. - \[{\displaystyle {\text{Precision}}={\frac {tp}{tp+fp}}\,}\]
- Recall (True Positive Rate), (Sensitivity):
- Also referred to as the true positive rate or sensitivity.
- is the fraction of relevant instances that have been retrieved over the total amount of relevant instances.
- Equivalently,
the % of correct items that are selected. - \[{\displaystyle {\text{Recall}}={\frac {tp}{tp+fn}}\,}\]
- The Trade-Off:
- Usually, the two measures discusses above have an inverse relation between them due to the quantities they measure.
- The F-measure:
- is a measure that combines precision and recall.
- It is the harmonic mean of precision and recall:
- \[{\displaystyle F=2\cdot {\frac {\mathrm {precision} \cdot \mathrm {recall} }{\mathrm {precision} +\mathrm {recall} }}}\]
General Discussion of Issues in Text Classification
- Very Little Data:
- Use Naive Bayes
- Naive Bayes is a “high-bias” algorithm; it tends to not overfit the data.
- Use Semi-Supervised Learning
- Try Bootstrapping or EM over unlabeled documents
- Use Naive Bayes
- Reasonable Amount of Data:
- Use:
- Regularized Logistic Regression
- (try) Decision Trees
- Use:
- Huge Amount of Data:
- Be careful of the run-time:
- SVM: slow train time
- KNN: slow test time
- Reg. Log. Regr.: somewhat faster
- Naive-Bayes: might be good to be used.
- Underflow Prevention:
- Problem: Due to the “multiplicative” nature of the algorithms we are using, we might run into a floating-point underflow problem.
- Solution: transfer the calculations to the log-space where all the multiplications are transformed into additions.
- Tweaking the Performance of the Algorithms:
- Utilize Domain-Specific features and weights
- Upweighting: counting a word as if it occurred multiple times.