Table of Contents

Aitken’s \(\Delta^2\) Method

  1. What?

    Derivation can be found here!

  2. Why?
    Can be used to accelerate the convergence of a sequence that is linearly convergent, regardless of its origin or application.

  3. Del [Forward Difference]:

  4. \(\hat{p}_n\) [Formula]:

  5. Generating the Sequence [Formula]:

Steffensen’s Method

  1. What?:
    By applying a modification of Aitken’s \(\Delta^2\) method to a linearly convergent
    sequence obtained from fixed-point iteration, we can accelerate the convergence to quadratic.
  2. Zeros and their Multiplicity:

  3. Difference from Aitken’s method:
    • Aitken’s method: Constructs the terms in order seq
    • Steffensen’s method: constructs the same first four terms, \(p_0, p_1, p_2,\) and \(\hat{p}_0\). However, at this step we assume that \(\hat{p}_0\) is a better approximation to \(p\) than is \(p_2\) and apply fixed-point iteration to \(\hat{p}_0\) instead of \(p_2\) seq_2

    Every third term of the Steffensen sequence is generated by Eq. (2.15);
    the others use fixed-point iteration on the previous term.

  4. Algorithm:

  5. Convergance of Steffensen’s Method:
    Thm 2.15

    Steffensen’s Method gives quadratic convergence without evaluating a derivative.

  6. MatLab Implementation: