Table of Contents

Algebraic Polynomials

  1. What?
    Set of Functions of the form:
    \[P_n(x) = a_nx^n + a_{n−1}x^{n−1} +···+ a_1x + a_0\]
  2. Why?
    Polynomials uniformly approximate continuous functions. By this we mean that given any function, defined and continuous on a closed and bounded interval, there exists a polynomial that is as “close” to the given function as desired.
  3. Weierstrass Approximation Theorem:
    (Weierstrass Approximation Theorem))

    i.e. Polynomials uniformly approximate continuous functions.

  4. Taylor Polynomials:

    Taylor Polynomials are generally bad at approximating functions anywhere but at a certain point \(x_0\). To approximate an interval, we do not use Taylors Polynomials.

Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials

  1. The linear Lagrange interpolating polynomial:
    Lag Poly

  2. The nth Lagrange interpolating polynomial:
    Lag Poly Thm
  3. The error term (bound):
    Error Thm